Member-only story
Why I Unfollow Famous Influencers on Instagram
To simplify the motivation behind unfollowing some of the most famous influencers on Instagram: It just doesn’t feel right. They are taking so much space and attention from over millions of people, but they are not speaking about any of the more important stuff happening around us. The most important values in life, the most important topics on earth. Too rarely. Not enough. Most of the content are advertisements in disguise.
We all love to take a peek into somebody else’s life, we really do. This is why we enjoy watching movies, Korean dramas, and people watching while sipping soy latte. Especially when somebody lives a drastically different lifestyle than us, their curated posting and daily story updates could serve as our mood board for future reference. With certain people, we enjoy knowing their whereabout from afar; with certain people, we become infatuated by their perfect life more deeply than we should.
A hot girl on Instagram with dat ass, I shall follow her and wish that my ass will look like her magically eventually. Wow, they travel all around the world just to check into the most luxurious resorts and look hella stylish and rich? Follow. Babe with good skin? Follow. Babe with boobs? Follow. Babe or bro who doesn’t seem to have a job but travels to Paris London New York errday? Follow. Here comes the danger: when attention…